Release notes (0.6)
Known issues
- Physics model may explode occasionally. ODE
0.6 may have helped this problem.
- Explosion graphics cause heavy FPS drop. It is
very unoptimized code which allocates a lot of
memory. It will be made faster for next release.
- Sometimes in the network game other player may
begin to "warp" fast. This happens rarely but it is
a known bug.
- Joystick hat does not work on Linux for some reason.
- Flight model is nowhere near perfect (linear Cl/Cd interpolation,
beta not modeled correctly).
- Joystick control is ignored while typing
- Icons may not always be visible
- A lot of "Image not found: .. smoke.rgb" messages in console.
These are caused by OSG, not OB
- Ubuntu: openbirds: error while loading shared libraries:
install libalut0. It was forgotten from dependencies.
- Linux: No sound? killall esd. OpenAL does not understand ESD.
Run the game from console (or dos-prompt in Windows) to get
text output useful for fault finding. Send mail to
mailing list or contact me on IRC if you find a new